Chinese Mock Exam P2 today, scored 41/70. I guess I need to work a 'lil harder to get at least a B for 'O' Level Chinese which falls on Monday, 31st May. I've been sleeping a little more recently, hoping to cure my eyebags and also because of my recent period, which makes me feel even more lethargic than usual. 8(
Holidays are coming! But there's going to be so much ATP that there seem to be only two weeks of holiday. Furthermore, that holiday would be used for revision. I'm planning to revise more of my Humanities during that period since I failed all my Humanities (Pure Geography, Combined SS/Hist). I'm still contemplating what I'm going to do about Maths though, I guess I have to do revision on that too, but I don't think I have that much time. Hmm, I'll probably decide about it when it comes.
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